Clarify Counseling Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
Clarify Counseling provides comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in Greenville, South Carolina for teens (13-18 years) and adults.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) developed in the 1970s & 80s to treat chronically suicidal women, the majority of whom met criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder. Since 1993, when the initial research showing efficacy was published, DBT has been shown to effectively treat many other disorders, problem behaviors, and patient populations.
Clarify Counseling DBT Programs
Standard DBT Program
Standard Dialectical Behavior Therapy is provided for adult clients with problems controlling their emotions & behaviors.
DBT for Adolescents
Program (DBT-A)
Recommended for teens and their families. Teens receive individual therapy and attend skills classes with their parents in a multi-family class.
Radically Open DBT
Program (RO-DBT)
A major adaptation of standard DBT created to treat problems of over-control such as chronic depression, anorexia nervosa, and other personality disorders.
DBT for Childrens
Program (DBT-C)
DBT for Children is the latest adaptation of DBT & has been amazingly effective with children 6-12 years of age.
The Dialectical Approach
Dialectics is the view that opposites can both have truth & coexist. By approaching life with a dialectical view, we can resolve inner conflicts & avoid or extricate ourselves from conflicts with those we love and whose support we need. In DBT, the main dialectic is balancing acceptance (of self, others & situations) with change. Too much of either, keeps us stuck & makes pain continue. Achieving balance through DBT involves creating new, automatic behavior patterns using skills in four areas: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, & interpersonal effectiveness.
Manage Stress & Create Balance In Your Life
- Do you sometimes struggle to manage your emotions?
- Do you do things you regret, commit to "never again," only to end up doing the same thing over and over and hating yourself for it?
- Do you get overwhelmed by events and circumstances that don't seem to hinder others?
- Do you struggle to maintain routines that you know work for you?
If any of this resonates, you may need a special type of therapy focused on learning concrete ways to manage stress & create balance in your life. You may need... Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Come... learn to love yourself.
A Collaborative Approach
Clarify Counseling participates in The Greenville DBT Collective, a community of DBT therapists in Greenville, South Carolina who meet weekly to consult and support each other. A therapist consultation team is a required component of comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy based on the research supporting its efficacy.
The therapists of the Greeenville DBT Collective have each received intensive DBT training by Behavioral Tech, LLC, the organization founded by Dr. Marsha Linehan to provide the official DBT training.